I've recently read a GREAT book called "The Person I Marry" by Gary Bower. It's a book written as a poem for young children (I personally love it though!) about setting standards for your future spouse. While doing Bible studies and reading books I've learned how important it is to set standards. It's good to know what qualities you want in your future spouse before you are ready to court or date, and it's good to have it written down, that way you can look at it and remind yourself. In the book "and the Bride Wore White" by Dannah Gresh, Dannah mentions how important a list of qualifications was to her, it helped her, when going out with somebody, to compare her qualifications with the guy. No matter how nice he was she was careful to not compromise, that way she knew she was getting somebody she could love, respect, and live with. Making a list of qualifications can also make many great memories. Dannah wrote it with her mom, but I suggest writing it with your dad as well. I had a great time writing mine with my dad and as young ladies we are under our dad's authority and he is the one who will "pick" or "ok" my future husband and he, as a Christian man, and husband, knows what to look for better than I would, or maybe even my mom.
It's great to have good Christian books to read and be encouraged by, and it's even better to have great Christian parents!!
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